Monday, September 28, 2015

9 ways

Way to Be

9 ways to be Happy and Make Something of your life

Gordon B. Hinckley 

Be Grateful 
Being grateful is a very important thing to have. When you are grateful, that means that you appreciate the things that you have. For example, during thanksgiving, we give thanks for the things that we have. Its imortant to be grateful for the things that you have because some people don't have anything.

Be Smart
Being smart is very important in life. Not just smart as in School wise but smart as in Street smart or other things. I think that being street smart is important because you have to know certain things when you are out on the street, especially if you are by yourself. Being smart helps you know things about life and it prepares you for the future. 

Be Involved in Good Works
Being involved in Good Works is very important because you help people with certain things. You can be involved with groups that help the elderly or that go to hospitals and help people or children that are sick. If you choose being with people that are in gang or smoke weed, then that isnt being good. You should always choose to choose the right. To do good and help others who need it. Instead of just sitting around and doing wrong things, you should use that time to help others. 

Be Clean 
When it comes to hygiene, being clean is very important. You wouldnt want to go to work or school smelling bad and having people run away from you. You should also clean your house because you wouldnt want it to look bad infront of friends and family. To me, being clean also means that you should be clean when it comes to drugs and alcohol and not doing those things.

Be True 
You should always be true to yourself and to others. Being true means that you should be truthful to people. Being truthful is like telling your friends the truth. For example, if you saw someone steal something and the police asked you if you saw, you should say that you saw who did it. Being true to yourself is also important because it means that you are honest and arent a liar. 
Be Positive
Being Positive is very important because you have to have a positive attitude. Its not very cool to always be negative and always be the person that is in a bad mood all the time. If you are positive, that means that you are happy and people around you will feel that kind of way. Positive vibes rub off of you and they just spread around and can make others happy. Even if you are in a bad mood, you should try to be happy and think on the positive side of things. 

Be Humble 
Being humble is important because you aren't an arrogant person and you arent focused on having so much pride in yourself. It is also good to be humble because it shows that you are a generous person and that you are a nice person.

Be Still

9. Be Prayerful

Thursday, September 24, 2015



Reflection: i think that is is a very nice quote. If you commit to your goals then you will surely reach your goals. I feel like commitment is a very big part of reaching your goals because you are dedicated to reach them and it means that you wont stop until all of your goals have been made. Commitment is dedicating yourself to something, and your mind is always set on that. 

Monday, September 21, 2015


" The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have." 

Reflection: I agree with this quote 100%. I feel like if you have obedience, you get rewarded with things. For example, when you listen to your parents, they can let you go out with friends or to events from school. They can also with you things, like money or maybe even a new phone. I think that it is important to have obedience because you learn to have patience and you learn other things. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

A smile

A Smile

Definition: form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Definition: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Reflection: I think that empathy is a good thing. It helps you when you want to vent out your feelings. I also feel like it is a good way to understand someone better and to learn more about them. It helps you when you are going through tough times and you want to share it with someone.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


September 11, 2001
On September 11, 2001, one of America’s biggest tragedies happened. That day we had four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic group al-Qaeda. The attacks killed around 3,000 people and caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage. The two planes that had flown into the North and South towers were, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175. Later, a third plane, American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth plane was targeted at Washington D.C but crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
          Many people were shocked because of this. Many people woke up that day preparing to go to work and simply have a good day. They thought that they would go home later on that day and spend quality time with their families. Never would they have imagined that they would die that day due to a terrorist attack. Many kids, teenagers, wives/husbands thought that their loved one would be home that night when they never returned. I can’t imagine how that felt; Knowing that your loved one wouldn't be back. I find it sad and disgusting that the people who did this had the heart to kill thousands of people. Me being the terrorist, I wouldn't want to do that because I would lose my life.

           I don’t understand why we still celebrate this day as if it were something good. If I were a victim I wouldn't want to be reminded about this day. I feel like we should forget about it because even if it was a tragic, we shouldn't be reminded about it. Many people just wish that they could forget about that day and every year we “ show respect” when in reality we are just reminding the people who lost a loved one what had happened and many people don’t want to see how their loved one suffered. 

Decisons Determine Destiny

“Decisions Determine Destiny”

This quote is very important in life because it shows that you have to make certain decisions to determine your destiny. This quote relates to our 100+ goals because, the things that we do are our decisions that we make. Those goals help us look forward into our lives and help us reach our goals. Those goals that we decide to make help us determine our future.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015



Definition: displaying kindness and concern for others. 


Reflection: The picture explains everything. Caring shows that even when you are mad at them, you still care about them. If i was mad at my little sister and someone does something to her, I will always defend her. To me, caring shows that you also love someone. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Definition: Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.

 Reflection: I like this quote becasue I like what it says. It basically say that if you are a bold person and if you are daring enough to knock, the doors will be opened for you. I feel like it means that if you are bold enough and if you have courage, many doors will be opened for you.