Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day 

1. What is Memorial Day?
A day in which those who died in active military service are remembered.
2. What is the purpose of Memorial Day?
Memorial Day started as an event to honor Union soldiers, who had died during the American Civil War. It was inspired by the way people in the Southern states honored their dead. After World War 1, it was extended to include all men and women, who died in any war or military action.
3. When is it?
May 25
4. What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Memorial Day?
Collections for troops- Host a collection for items deployed troops’ need. Discounts and free offers- Customize a special offer for those who present military ID, such as 20 percent off your product or service. Volunteering- Round up employees to donate time and materials to help out on a project or effort. Highlight soldiers’ stories- Through email newsletters, Facebook or your other social media channels, pay respect to those who have fallen and express gratitude for those you know who are currently serving.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
  1. Be true to character

2. Use your imagination
3.Apply the power of knowledge 
4.Never give up
I believe that it is very important to never give up because it challenges you to keep going. Once you give up, some people just stop trying because they think that it is too difficult. Once you set your mind to something you should always keep going because you can do it. Never giving up gives you motivation to reach your goals. Some goals are going to require hard work and dedication but if you really want it you can reach that goal. 
5.Find peace and balance
To me, finding peace and balance means to be calm. Its important to keep your mind at bay so that you won't feel so stressed out. So much stress can be very bad on the human body so it is important to relax and stay balanced. Being balanced to me means that you are in order and you aren't losing your "cool". 
6.Live the Golden Rule
Living the golden rule is very important in life. It teaches everyone that you should treat others the way you would like to be treated. For example, if I were to go out to the mall and start telling people bad things and start a fight for no reason, I wouldn't like that if someone did that to me. The golden rule teaches you to respect others. You wouldn't like it if someone was talking to you in a rude manner. 
7.Build and maintain trust
8.Quick to listen slow to wrath
9.Lead with vision
10.Manage with a plan
11.Do what matters the most

12. Be accountable